Allan Morgan- A former career in illustration left Allan restricted and confined to briefs and deadlines. Returning to his first love, Landscape painting, Allan has crafted a career as one of the UK's most sought after landscape painters
Based in Mid-Wales, Allan's impressionistic artworks of Mid and South Wales have captivated collectors with his stunning use of colour. Burning skies, serene meadows and
Hi work has also been displayed in public venues, such as shopping centres and metro carriages , as well as being used as scenic backdrops for theatrical productions.
His atmospheric landscapes capture memories of life in the 50's and 60's and his impressionist brush strokes and tones create a romantic view of that era, often playing with the effect of light as it is reflected on a wet tiled roof, transporting the viewer back to the cityscapes of their own childhood.
From an early age he has viewed his surroundings and the people he grew up with as if they were a carefully choreographed street ballet: old men on bikes coming home from a hard day’s graft, the gossiping women standing on the street corner or the working man staggering home after a payday night on the town.